Thursday, July 3, 2014

3D printing with RepRap Cookbook

Fall of 2012,  I was contacted by Packt Publishing a small UK based publisher of technology books and videos. They were in search of an author for their book 3D Printing with Reprap Cookbook.

I submitted an outline for proposal later that year and in short time, it was chosen for publication. I signed my contract in December of 2012.

Working with the Packt team of editors and reviewers was a wonderful experience. The actual writing was not. There was a lot more information that I needed for this book than what I had acquired through my experimentation, so this meant I had to thoroughly research topics that I previously felt comfortable with. I also decided to approach two color printing in this book and alternate material extrusion such as clay for ceramics. This was not a good idea. It led to building two more printers to handle this task and in turn-- just created more unnecessary work in an all ready busy day.

During this time I was heavily involved with my profession as a scenic artist. I was the scenic department head on a full season of Veep and a season of Turn: Washington Spies. In between these two cable series I also worked on the docu-drama Killing Lincoln. Along with all this work I'm an active parent of twin girls age 5. Finding time to write was a challenge.

Unfortunately, I was unable to meet my contractual agreement and the book was not completed on time. After some negotiation, it was agreed that there was a lot of good material in the book project so far and an attempt should be made to complete it.

In June 2013 I signed a new author contract and with a fresh team from Packt, continued to complete the book. This is now all in the past and I'm pleased to announce the publication of my book on June 24, 2014. It's available from Packt Publishing, Amazon and other book sellers.

Because of Packt Publishing's affiliation with Safaribooksonline, it's also available in many university libraries worldwide. A full list can be found on the Worldcat library catalog.

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