Thursday, September 13, 2012

WhiteAnt 3d Printer Build- Electronics III

Mounted at one end of each axis’ path of travel is a small switch. This is generally referred to as a limit or stop switch and it’s purpose is to signal a “home” point of reference. The original WhiteAnt plans called for the Z-axis switch to be mounted on the bottom end of the X carriage, triggered when the switch makes contact with a screw protruding from the Strong-Tie assembly of the Z-axis. This would make “home” at the furthest point from the printer’s bed.

I find this odd and rather perplexing.

Instead, I replaced one of the bolts holding the Z-axis motor mount assembly with a 3/8” threaded rod cut to a length to where a limit switch could be triggered by a nut. By adjusting the position of the nut on the threaded rod, easy calibration can be made of the extruder’s hot end. The other 2 limit switches were mounted basically as was originally designed.



Noise. The fluctuation of electronic signals.

There seems to be a lot of opinion concerning the shielding of noise among CNC users. I don't remember this as a concern when I did research on my Prusa Mendel build. Because I wasn’t aware of using shielded cable, I didn’t and my RepRap printer has worked fine.
I decided to use shielded cable on this printer.

For convenience, I added D-sub connectors so that the electronics can be easily removed from the printer.

Now that I have most of the electronics connected, I did a test drill by running a print routine for a small object. No calibration has been made in the firmware.

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